The Best 24 FlashRead Alternatives
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Rosetta Stone
Rosetta Stone is the worlds #1 language-learning software. Our comprehensive foreign language program provides language learning for individuals and language learning for organizations.
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Learning with Texts
Learning with Texts (LWT) is a tool for Language Learning, inspired by Stephen Krashen's principles in Second Language Acquisition, Steve Kaufmann's LingQ System and ideas from Khatzumoto (published at AJATT - All Japanese All The...
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Pimsleur Unlimited combines the interactivity of software-based learning tools with the convenience and power of the portable Pimsleur Method
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Foreign Language Text Reader
FLTR helps you to do both extensive and intensive reading as part of your foreign language acquisition in an easy and pleasant way.
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Effective English
This will help your child in confidence with learning about phonics AtoZ in English. This is perfect for first language or ESL learners in home schooling. Help your...
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SoYouLearn is a online spaced repetition platform. Key features: - A central DB which user can use for creating courses - Courses references existing flash cards -...
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Rocket Languages
Learn A Language with Rocket Languages! If you want to learn Spanish, French, Japanese, Mandarin, Italian, American Sign Language or German fluently in the shortest...
0 Like is a web application for creating word lists and learning languages through playing games.
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Learn languages for Free! Thousands of lessons available for Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian...