Find And Run Robot
FARR also lets you quickly run web searches, send email, manipulate files, control on-screen windows, and much more.
Fingertips indexes the Windows start menu so you can launch items with a keyboard shortcut. Also custom shortcuts, shortcuts for Outlook and auto-typing text are...
is your computer slower than your brain?
let’s face it: your computer is slow. and you may even be ignorant about it right now. most people will suffer through the days at work putting up with all the delays and miniinterruptions without asking questions.
wouldn’t you want to get things done much faster? and with much less interruptions in your natural thoughtprocess? your computer can aid in achieving a state of flow, instead of hindering the flow of ideas and concentration.
there is a big problem with modern computers. and that is the fact that most people use their mouse exclusively to drive their pc. the mouse is great for tasks that you perform infrequently. but when it comes to processing your email, opening applications, surfing to oftenvisited websites, mousing is terribly slow.
as soon as you get to know fingertips, you’ll find that you will become much more productive.
Program Launcher Outlook integration
application-launcher outlook-integration start-menu keyboard-shortcuts