SelfControl is a free and open-source application for Mac OS X that lets you block your own access to distracting websites, your mail servers, or anything else on the Internet.
Anti-procrastination application for Mac and Windows. Avoid distractions and break bad online habits without limiting your flexibility.
after careful study of our own behaviour and the edge between action and procrastination, we have shortlisted the features which are essential for a tool like findfocus. all of them are meant to guard your focus and productivity.
key features:focus schedulerparallel independent profilespomodoro sequencerfocus pausewebsite/app groupswildcard syntax for websitesprofile descriptionswhite list mode for websites and appsblack list mode for websites and appsprotection optionsdelay discountercommitment enhancerfocus text with hardcore moderandom character focus textfort knox modebreaksautomated breaksbreak reminderflexible breaksscheduled breaksbreak enforcementbreak postponement
Official Website
Distraction free UI Pomodoro Timer Website whitelisting
time-management no-distraction productivity-tool block-websites block-facebook break-reminder block-distraction procrastination pomodoro-timer-feature self-control website-whitelisting