A fast real-time search engine for displaying regular expression matches (both file name and content) across multiple directories. Written in Gtk2 it is highly...
Find Any File is a program for Apple's Mac OS X that lets you search for files on your disks.
find any file searches your local disks for files by name, creation or modification date, size, or type and creator code (not by content, though). as there are other tools with a similar search operation, here are the special features unique to find any file:has a new hierarchical view of the found items, making it much easier to browse 100s of items.can run as root user, finding really any file on your disk, even those that are hidden from normal users.can save queries and run them again later.is quite fast: about 10 times faster than easyfind 4.0.1 when searching for a file name (mac pro with 2 million files, searching "httpd.conf": easyfile: 150s, this app: 15s)
find-files file-search finder
A fast real-time search engine for displaying regular expression matches (both file name and content) across multiple directories. Written in Gtk2 it is highly...
Free Open Source Windows Linux BSD
AIKIN is a powerful new desktop search that can find item names and content using advanced pattern recognition and semantic awareness, that doesn't require the user to always know exactly how something was named or written.
Freemium Windows
SSuite Desktop Search is a useful and extremely fast windows desktop search engine that can find files, folders, and file content.
Free Windows
Instant File Searcher Professional is a powerful search engine for files and folders stored on computer.
Free Windows
LAN Search Pro is a free and portable utility for fast file searching across your LAN. You can search for specific file names or for specific file types (e.g. all MP3 files).
Free Windows
Gaviri SearchOS - Search Desktop, E-Mails, Network and Mobile Devices. The free version is not portable and cannot search in network folders. The universal search engine for all your desktop, mobile and network needs.
Freemium Windows
"InSight Desktop Search" is a search engine that keeps track of all the files in your system and makes sure that you can access your files/folders easily and...
Free Windows
Find files fast across folders, drives, disks and machines and emails in MS Outlook, find duplicates. Attach labels, bookmarks and comments, automatic backup, synchronize, messaging. Tag Web pages while downloading.
Free Windows
Toucan Search is an efficient solution for finding just about everything! - Locate your documents, folders, music, movies and more; instantly - Find files by name, but also by path - Simple, easy to use and intuitive user interface...
Commercial Mac OS X
Generate file list of all files with specific name pattern, extension, properties and attributes, as well as text and binary content by recursively scanning specified directories and searching for matching files.
Commercial Windows
Exalead Desktop Search Instantly locates any document stored on local resources like internal and external hard drives, network drives and USB keys .
Free Windows
Effective File Search (EFS) is a powerful but easy to use search tool. Search any files on your computer or local network with this effective software. EFS is a real...
Free Windows