Movavi Video Editor
Simple yet powerful tool for video editing: create your own movies and slideshows and automatically export the results on YouTube.
Final Cut Pro provides non-linear, non-destructive editing of any QuickTime-compatible video format including DV, HDV, P2 MXF (DVCProHD), XDCAM (via plug-in), and 2K film formats.
final cut pro provides nonlinear, nondestructive editing of any quicktimecompatible video format including dv, hdv, p2 mxf (dvcprohd), xdcam (via plugin), and 2k film formats. it supports a number of simultaneously composited video tracks (limited mainly by video format and hardware capability); up to 99 audio tracks; multicamera editing for combining video from multiple camera sources; as well as standard ripple, roll, slip, slide, scrub, razor blade and time remapping edit functions. it comes with a range of video transitions and a range of video and audio filters such as keying tools, mattes and vocal depoppers and deessers. it also has a manual 3way color correction filter, videoscopes and a selection of generators, such as slugs, test cards and noise.
Non linear editor Non linear presentation Linear editor
Productivity Phots and Graphics Video
non-linear-editor non-linear-presentation video-editing post-production audio-sync linear-editor