Flight by Canto
Flight is a modern marketing solution that lets you manage assets, collaborate among teams / people and helps you engage with your customers to promote your brand awareness.
Turns your website into a private file sharing service. Powerful, refined, easy to use.
filerun is a full featured php web based file manager with a very easy to use ajax user interface. upload and download large files for easy sharing.
upload large files (larger even than 10gb). upload folders! (yes, you can upload entire folder structures. without zipping!) upload by drag&drop. resume interrupted large uploads. download files and folder of unlimited sizes. (yes, you can download entire folder structures. no zipping!) download cart for downloading selected files from multiple folders in a single action. resume interrupted downloads. direct links to files and folders (protect them with passwords. limit the number of downloads. set expiration dates. stream audio or video through them.) send files by email (directly from the filerun user interface. receive notifications on downloads.) file comments (attach discussions to files. receive notifications about posted comments. search files by their comments.) file labels (predefined list of colorful labels. customized labels. search files by labels.) file metadata (attach various information to files. automatically extracts media information: resolution, iptc and exif author, description, keywords, gps location, etc) search files (by name, content, metadata, comments, labels, etc) activitybased email notifications (choose which users, which actions, which recipients. 70+ monitored actions.) instant screenshot sharing mobile version touch friendly play audio and video files (in the browser, no plugin required.) read documents (in the browser, no plugin required.) and much more...
Productivity Games Social Phots and Graphics File Sharing Backup and Sync File Management
file-hosting file-sharing share-files ajax file-management web-app web-application photo-sharing php upload-files html5 cloud-storage-backup cloudstorage php-file-manager web-based-file-manager