The Best 89 Filenotes Alternatives
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Online tool for creating and sharing notes using widgets: image, text, header, card. All notes are private, but you can share note with your friends, clients, customers using special link.
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NimbleNotes is an online note taking and study platform, designed to help students learn more efficiently.
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Note Board
Productivity app. Save information like a sticky notes. You can create notes with images, videos or whatever you want. Save pages to read later or capture any web content with the chrome or firefox extension.
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Notesmartly is a free app which makes organizing your stuff a breeze .Notebooks, ability to draw using Scribbpads, Wideboards to collaborate in real time and more. It...
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note space
Note space is a program in which to keep your written thoughts This space has these characteristics: It presents a very visual organization on screen; notes are displayed as arrays of cards It's safe and secure; it runs on your...
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ownNote - Notes for ownCloud
ownNote for Android is a full Evernote/OneNote style WYSIWYG notes editor for Owncloud.
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Agenda Mahala
Agenda Mahala is a great website to Learn English. On Agenda Mahala we have great English Courses, and both Level 1 and Level 2 are completely free. You also get an online notebook to keep the lesson appointments.