Dropboxifier helps you simplifying the process of adding folders to Dropbox and creating symbolic links.
FileMenu Tools lets you customize the context (right-click) menu of Windows Explorer.
filemenu tools lets you customize the context (rightclick) menu of windows explorer. the application adds builtin utilities to perform operations on files and folders and adds customized commands that let users run external applications, copy/move to a specific folder or delete specific file types. with filemenu tools, you also can customize the "send to..." submenu and enable/disable contextmenu commands added by other applications.many very useful additional functions: create symboliclinks, sync folders with filedeletion in both directions, show the foldersize of all subfolders
Portable Multiple languages Windows Explorer extension Symbolic links Change File Dates
Productivity Utilities Backup and Sync
portable folder-sync sync-auto-file-deletion multi-language symbolic-links windows-explorer-extension time-stamp customize-windows vss change-file-dates context-menu context-menu-manager copy-path directory-junction path2clipboard right-click right-click-edit send-to size-of-directories size-of-folder