InSight Desktop Search
"InSight Desktop Search" is a search engine that keeps track of all the files in your system and makes sure that you can access your files/folders easily and...
FileLocator Lite enables you to locate files on your pc. It performs a thorough and quick search for any file you want to find. It is a free reduced functionality version of FileLocator Pro.
filelocator lite enables you to locate files on your pc. it performs a thorough and quick search for any file you want to find.
it is a free reduced functionality version of filelocator pro. it is free for both personal and commercial use.
filelocator lite is a rebranding of agent ransack for corporate environments. it has exactly the same functionality but with a different name and logo.
it includes these powerful features:
immediate resultsfound text is shown with highlighted keywords so you don't need to waste time opening each file looking for the right information. boolean expressionscombine search terms using the familiar boolean operators and, or, not. office formatssupport for popular office formats including office 2010 and openoffice. perl regexsupport for perl compatible regular expressions. 64bit versionnatively compiled 64bit version for improved compatibility. fast searchinghighly efficient search algorithms mean that you spend less time waiting for results. printing and exportingresults can be shared with others through printing and exporting.
please note the following from the mythicsoft website:"filelocator lite is a rebranding of agent ransack for corporate environments."
File search Support for regular expressions Support for 64 bit Support for Multiple threads Support for Double byte languages
file-search regular-expression 64-bit-support double-byte-languages-support microsoft-office-support