The Best 50 FileLocator Alternatives

  • InSight Desktop Search

    "InSight Desktop Search" is a search engine that keeps track of all the files in your system and makes sure that you can access your files/folders easily and...

    Free Windows

  • Effective File Search

    Effective File Search (EFS) is a powerful but easy to use search tool. Search any files on your computer or local network with this effective software. EFS is a real...

    Free Windows

  • Hulbee Desktop

    Hulbee Desktop is a professional search software. With its "Data Cloud", a cloud of search terms, it helps users to narrow down their own search. This way...

    Free Personal Windows

  • ACAT

    Advanced CATaloguer allows adding, searching out files stored on all kinds of digital media. Hard drives to other kinds of modern removable media. Keeps tracks of...

    Commercial Windows

  • PRGrep

    PRGrep is a powerful program to search strings inside files. Rather than showing a file list, the matching lines of text inside each file are also displayed. PRGrep has...

    Free Windows

  • Freeviewer PST Viewer

    PST Viewer is an all in one utility that will give the user the power to manage the .pst file in easy and effective way. Explore all the possibilities with this...

    Freemium Windows

  • PST Bridge

    PST Bridge is two applications in one. Not only you may use it to convert your existing Outlook PST files from a Windows PC to your Mac. You may also use PST Bridge to...

    Commercial Mac OS X