The Best 58 File Synchronizer Alternatives

  • DiffVue

    DiffVue is a diff tool, also known as a diff utility for Windows XP and Windows 7, and it lets users compare folders and files as well as ftp site's files against the local files by displaying differences visually.

    Commercial Windows

  • ECMerge

    ECMerge is a comparison and synchronization tool with two and three-way merge for text and folders and difference on binary, text, images and folders, locally, via FTP/S, SFTP or in version controls.

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • Rsync Client

    An SSH browser with an rsync transfer engine. It lets you point-and-click to rsync.

    Free Mac OS X

  • DeltaCopy

    Let's say you have to backup one file that is 500 MB every night. A normal file copy would copy the entire file even if a few bytes have changed. DeltaCopy, on the...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • ozSync

    ozSync is an utility that synchronize files and folders. Files or folders synchronize and backup is important and actually, it's not hard to be done. Using a...

    Free Windows

  • Synchromat

    Synchromat is file and folder synchronization software for Windows. Synchromat uses innovative algorithms to synchronize your data between desktop PCs, laptops, USB...

    Commercial Windows

  • Organyze SYNC

    Organyze SYNC, a Windows application for desktops and laptops, takes care of the headache of keeping files updated in all locations in today’s fast moving world, where...

    Free Windows

  • Truck

    Still using FTP? Truck hauls data 30x faster thanks to its modern rsync engine (included) which compresses, de-duplicates and encrypts – giving significantly higher...


  • Alternate File Move

    File Move is a simple program for syncing the contents of two folders. PROCESSING OPTIONS - File comparison by size - File comparison by date (different, older...

    Free Windows

  • Leo Backup

    Leo Backup is a program designed for simple backup needs and aimed to keep your data in different locations automatically, applying the compression, encryption and...

    Freemium Windows

  • Sync Folders

    The Sync Folders Pro synchronizes any number of folders on the fly at the same time when there are changes, or connecting external drives at a set time or manually. The...

    Freemium Mac OS X

  • DotSpirit Backup

    DotSpirit Backup allows to automatically back up your hard drive to DotSpirit's secured servers. DotSpirit Backup is based on Cobian Backup and adds many features...

    Commercial Windows