Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
Your current feed reader is full of unread items. You’re hesitant to subscribe to any more feeds because you cant keep up with your existing subs. Maybe youve even abandoned feeds altogether.
Your current feed reader is full of unread items. You’re hesitant to subscribe to any more feeds because you cant keep up with your existing subs. Maybe youve even abandoned feeds altogether. Fever takes the temperature of your slice of the web and shows you whats hot.
Productivity Social Books News
Discontinued rss news-aggregator feed-reader feeds
Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
Freemium Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Chrome OS Web Windows Phone Chrome
the old reader is a web based rss reader, something like google reader . import existing subscriptions, find facebook friends and more.
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Flipboard is a fast, beautiful way to flip through the news, photos and updates your friends are sharing on Facebook and Twitter. - See your social media in a magazine layout that is easy to scan and fun to read.
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an alternative to the popular google reader by digg . subscribe to your favorite blogs and publishers seamlessly import all of your google reader feeds and folders into digg.
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LinkedIn Pulse is the news app tailored to you. What’s New: - A new streamlined reading experience and simplified navigation make it even easier to discover compelling professional content.
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Digital photo frame + Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, RSS). Syncs Facebook and Twitter photos. Maximize your tablet usage! You can now use your tablet when you are not using your tablet.
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Deliver top stories from your Twitter/Facebook/RSS feeds straight to Pocket or Readability. Article links will be fetched periodically from RSS and your Twitter and Facebook home feeds.
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justreader is fast, customizable and easy-to-use rss reader client for android. there are two versions: free and pro. it supports some services for now: - feedly - http://alternativein .
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