The RSS Aggregator
The RSS for Google Chrome with similar look to Opera's RSS in Opera Mail on Presto engine.
a great alternative to google reader. offers awesome productivity features like search, rss feeds for your starred items, tags & folder. you can share on https://alternativein .
a great alternative to google reader. offers awesome productivity features like search, rss feeds for your starred items, tags & folder. you can share on twitter, pocket, evernote, bufferapp and other sites.
Official Website
Integrated Search Import from Google Reader Export to OPML Import feeds from OPML Facebook integration Twitter integration Evernote integration Readability integration Instapaper integration Pocket integration RSS to Email
Productivity Social Books News Backup and Sync
web-based integrated-search google-reader-import opml-export opml-import rss-feed-reader search-tool facebook-integration twitter-integration news-aggregator news-reader atom evernote-integration feed-reader readability-integration instapaper-integration pocket-integration buffer rss-to-email buffer-integration google-alert