Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
FeedHQ is a simple, lightweight web-based feed reader.
feedhq is a simple, lightweight webbased feed reader. main features:userfacing features
rss and atom support grouping by categories awesome pagination and intelligent browsing great readability on all screen sizes (smatphones, tablets and desktops) mobilefriendly, retinaready reading list management with instapaper, readability or read it later support filter out already read entries and duplicates hides images/media by default (and therefore filters ads and tracking stuff) multiple user support control on entries' time to live (days, weeks, months or forever) opml import syntax highlighting, awesome for reading tech blogs keyboard navigation
Productivity Social Books News
web-based opml-import rss rss-feed-reader news-aggregator news-reader atom feed-reader
Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
Freemium Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Chrome OS Web Windows Phone Chrome
Blogtrottr delivers updates from all of your favourite news, feeds, and blogs directly to your email inbox, giving you the flexibility to stay updated whilst on the go.
Freemium Web