Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
Feeder.co is a simple way to follow your favorite feeds and sites. Feeder supports most RSS and Atom feeds on the web. Browsing your feeds has never been easier.
feeder.co is a simple way to follow your favorite feeds and sites. feeder supports most rss and atom feeds on the web. browsing your feeds has never been easier.
instantaneously see when new posts are added to one of your rss and atom feeds easily subscribe to new rss/atom feeds by clicking the browser icon intuitively manage your feeds right click contextmenus in popupmenu let you mark all as read, reload feeds, and other nifty shortcuts export your feeds so you can import them on another computer and/or keep them as backups for safekeeping customize your feeds by choosing how many posts to display, or changing the title organize your feeds using folders and sorting with drag and drop choose between two different themes: dark or light everything is contained within the browser so no other thirdparty sites are needed notifications when feeds have been updated. enable globally or on select feeds supports both rss and atom feeds see when a page has any rss or atom feeds to subscribe to sound notifications ios and android apps email notifications (pro only)
Official Website
Firefox extension Google Chrome extension Dark theme Safari extension
Productivity Social Security Video Books News Web Browsers
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Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
Freemium Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Chrome OS Web Windows Phone Chrome
Newsbeuter is an open-source RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals. It runs on Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and other Unix-like operating systems.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Linux BSD NewsBlur Pocket The Old Reader
eldonreader is the best and easy way to transform all your favorites websites into a social and interactive digital magazine, it's the ultimate alternative to google reader .
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Sage is a lightweight RSS and Atom feed aggregator extension for Mozilla Firefox. It's got a lot of what you need and not much of what you don't. * Reads RSS (2.0, 1.0, 0.
Free Open Source Windows Firefox
Android River is a fast river of news style RSS reader with awesome support for Podcasting. It also has special feeds creator to services such as Google News (over 50...
Free Open Source Android
SE-RssTools is a set of programs for RSS reading and writing which allows to view or create and edit RSS, ATOM, RDF, iTunes Podcast or XML feeds without knowledge of RSS...
Free Windows