Blogtrottr delivers updates from all of your favourite news, feeds, and blogs directly to your email inbox, giving you the flexibility to stay updated whilst on the go.
Feeder.co is a simple way to follow your favorite feeds and sites. Feeder supports most RSS and Atom feeds on the web. Browsing your feeds has never been easier.
feeder.co is a simple way to follow your favorite feeds and sites. feeder supports most rss and atom feeds on the web. browsing your feeds has never been easier.
instantaneously see when new posts are added to one of your rss and atom feeds easily subscribe to new rss/atom feeds by clicking the browser icon intuitively manage your feeds right click contextmenus in popupmenu let you mark all as read, reload feeds, and other nifty shortcuts export your feeds so you can import them on another computer and/or keep them as backups for safekeeping customize your feeds by choosing how many posts to display, or changing the title organize your feeds using folders and sorting with drag and drop choose between two different themes: dark or light everything is contained within the browser so no other thirdparty sites are needed notifications when feeds have been updated. enable globally or on select feeds supports both rss and atom feeds see when a page has any rss or atom feeds to subscribe to sound notifications ios and android apps email notifications (pro only)
Official Website
Firefox extension Google Chrome extension Dark theme Safari extension
Productivity Social Security Video Books News Web Browsers
firefox-extension chrome-extension rss rss-feed-reader rss-feeds dark-theme atom safari-extension feed-reader rss-viewer feeds
Blogtrottr delivers updates from all of your favourite news, feeds, and blogs directly to your email inbox, giving you the flexibility to stay updated whilst on the go.
Freemium Web
Good Noows is a newspaper-styled and socially-oriented feed Reader that gives you more control over the layout.
Free Chrome OS Web Chrome
Feed Notifier is an application for Windows and Mac OS X that resides in the system tray or status bar and displays pop-up notifications on your desktop when new items arrive in your subscribed RSS or Atom feeds.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows
Flowreader is a web-based RSS reader that brings users both web news and social accounts feeds. One can organize categories, share and post directly from Flowreader page to Twitter and Google+ accounts.
Free Windows Android Web
Looking for a simple and open feed reader? Free, open source, easy to use, Sismics Reader is what you need to keep your feeds under control. Central Access all your RSS and Atom feeds in one central easy readable place.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Android Tablet Web Self-Hosted
Akregator is a news feed reader for the KDE desktop. It enables you to follow news sites, blogs and other RSS/Atom-enabled websites without the need to manually check for updates using a web browser.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
readefine desktop is an air app which uses flex, creating a really nice, clean layout for your rss / google reader feeds, text or html content.
Free Mac OS X Windows Adobe AIR
With a focus on simplicity and speed, Bulletin allows you to quickly subscribe to, read, and share content from the sites you care about.
Commercial Web
nextgen reader is the fastest http://alternativein .
Freemium Windows RT Windows Phone
eldonreader is the best and easy way to transform all your favorites websites into a social and interactive digital magazine, it's the ultimate alternative to google reader .
Free Chrome OS Web Chrome
The readable feed reader. Promotes interesting articles to the top of your personalised reading list.
Free Open Source Web