Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
Feed Wrangler is an RSS reader designed to make reading your news feeds as easy and quick as possible. - Create Smart Streams to personalize your news feeds. Perfect for on-the-go check-ins.
Feed Wrangler is an RSS reader designed to make reading your news feeds as easy and quick as possible.
Create Smart Streams to personalize your news feeds. Perfect for onthego checkins. Powerful Search lets you easily bring up any article Clean, uncluttered interface lets you focus on the news Deep integrations with Instapaper and Pocket for enhanced Read Later interactions
Import from Google Reader Import feeds from OPML Instapaper integration
Productivity Social Books News
google-reader-import opml-import read-later rss-feed-reader news-reader news-feed instapaper-integration