Unity Linux
the community-oriented unity linux is a minimalist distribution and live cd based on mandriva linux. the project's main goal is to...
the fedora project is an openly-developed project designed by red hat , open for general participation, led by a meritocracy, following a set of project objectives.
the fedora project is an openlydeveloped project designed by red hat , open for general participation, led by a meritocracy, following a set of project objectives. the goal of the fedora project is to work with the linux community to build a complete, general purpose operating system exclusively from open source software. development will be done in a public forum. the project will produce timebased releases of fedora about 23 times a year, with a public release schedule. the red hat engineering team will continue to participate in building fedora and will invite and encourage more outside participation than in past releases. by using this more open process, we hope to provide an operating system more in line with the ideals of free software and more appealing to the open source community.
Official Website
Multiple languages Key rebinding Out Of The Box Separated workspaces Modern design
Productivity Developer Tools Utilities
multi-language key-rebinding out-of-the-box linux-based linux-operating-systems separated-workspaces operating-system red-hat modern-design
the community-oriented unity linux is a minimalist distribution and live cd based on mandriva linux. the project's main goal is to...
Free Open Source Linux
Frugalware Linux is an independently developed general purpose desktop Linux distribution designed for intermediate users. It follows simple...
Free Open Source Linux
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GNU-Darwin aims to be the most free software distribution. Our mission is two-fold: Focus on projects that leverage our unique combination of Darwin and GNU, and help...
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Free Linux
The blackPanther Operating System is a Linux-based Hungarian alternate operating system that is perfect and free for laptops, desktops and servers. Developement focused...
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SparkyLinux is a Debian-based Linux distribution which provides ready to use, out of the box operating system with a set of slightly customized lightweight desktops. ...
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Void is a general purpose operating system, based on the monolithic Linux kernel.
Free Open Source Linux