STDU Viewer
Are you tired from many viewers one for each document? Do you want to have, one program for all your technical documentations, scientific books and so on? Do you want to have program, which fast opens files, fast loads pages and fast...
FBReader is an e-book reader for various platforms. Features: Supported e-book formats are: ePub, an international e-publishing standard. fb2, a Russian e-books standard de facto.
fbreader is an ebook reader for various platforms.
supported ebook formats are: epub, an international epublishing standard. fb2, a russian ebooks standard de facto. nondrm'd version of mobipocket, a popular commercial ebook format (mobipocket ebook reader). plain text is supported, however fbreader might not always correctly split text into paragraphs. some subsets of rtf and ms word doc.
Official Website
Sync between devices Multiple languages Dark theme
sync-between-devices multi-language ebook-reader epub-reader dark-theme epub fb2 e-reader