The Best 171 Facebook Messenger Alternatives

  • FBMessenger

    FBMessenger is a stand-alone Facebook Messenger app for Linux, very similar to the official Messenger for Windows. It was created by Jack O'Connor, a Facebook...

    Free Open Source Linux

  • Mobilevoip

    MobileVOIP is a free cheap calls app which lets you make (free) national or international mobile voip calls directly from your iPhone. You can save on your Mobile Phone...

    Free Android iPhone Blackberry Windows RT Windows Mobile

  • Facebook Chat Instant Messenger

    Facebook Chat IM is a Desktop Messenger for Facebook. With it you can chat with all your Facebook friends directly from your Desktop. It has a simple and easy to use...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • Astro Messenger

    Astro Messenger beats the other app with complement Facebook support. Group Chat Facebook Sticker Shop Privacy Control, turning chat off to nosy friends Messenger...


  • FTalk

    Stay in touch with your friends right from your desktop, with fTalk – FREE chat messenger for your desktop With many features: Fast and Accessible No need to open any...

    Free Windows

  • Stealth Tell

    With Stealth Tell you can post secret messages on Facebook. This brand new patented application allows you to post a message on Facebook, while retaining the privacy of...

    Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad

  • Currently

    Currently allows you to share stories with your friends and family. Speak into your phone for up to a minute, telling a funny story or life update. Currently then...

    Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad

  • Supersonic

    Supersonic is a voice messaging app that automatically converts your spoken words to text that include emojis. Conversion occurs live as you speak. FEATURES ...

    Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad

  • Gabtastik

    Gabtastik lets you keep chat sessions open on your desktop outside of your regular web browser, using minimal screen real estate and system memory. Gabtastik also...

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows