Universal Viewer
Universal Viewer is an advanced file viewer for wide range of formats. Supported file formats are: Images: all major graphics formats: JPG BMP ICO GIF PNG WMF TIFF PSD..., over 40 formats.
Personal photo management application for the GNOME desktop environment. F-Spot is based on MONO F-Spot is a cross platform application for organizing thousands of photos. It shuns organizing in folders.
personal photo management application for the gnome desktop environment. fspot is based on mono
fspot is a cross platform application for organizing thousands of photos. it shuns organizing in folders. instead, metadata is the basis for viewing and drilling down the collection. adding and maintaining metadata is easy and enjoyable in fspot.
individual photos can be retouched and globally corrected (e.g. dynamic range, color), for sharing via the net, printing and viewing by consumers. the number and sophistication of the correction scales to the the ambition of users. an advanced form of corrections is that of batches of photos.
beginners in the digital photo field can easily start using fspot. these and more advanced users are encouraged by fspot to grow their skills, to the point where they integrate more specialized photo manipulation software into their fspot workflow.
Productivity Social Phots and Graphics Backup and Sync
Discontinued tiff jpg image-browser image-gallery jpeg