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Bulk Rename Utility
Bulk Rename Utility is a free file renaming software for Windows. Bulk Rename Utility allows you to easily rename files and entire folders based upon extremely flexible criteria.
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Advanced Renamer
Batch rename files and folders in a snap. Perfect for any kind of file renaming including music and photo files. Preview your files before renaming and undo erroneous renaming jobs.
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Ant Renamer
Ant Renamer is a free (really free, i.e. the source code is available) program that makes easier the renaming of lots of files and folders by using specified settings. It supports Unicode names.
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Flash Renamer
Digital camera owners, music lovers, and those who have lots of files theyd like to organize will like Flash Renamer, a batch file renaming utility that makes it easy to rename large numbers of files at once but that also does much more...
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Lupas Rename 2000
Lupas Rename is a FREEWARE program developed to rename a big number of files.
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Name Mangler
Name Mangler is a batch file renamer that supports all common renaming tasks: Find and Replace (including support for regular expressions); Number Sequentially; Change Case; Set Extension; Add Prefix/Suffix; Remove/Insert Characters.
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File Renamer Basic
File Renamer - Rename Files. Free utility to rename files easily. Now includes Thumbnail support. Use this utility to preview your pictures before renaming
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Inviska Rename
Batch file rename software that supports Unicode filenames and renaming from tags, such as ID3v2 and Exif.
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Rename Expert
With Rename Expert you can quickly and easily rename files and folders. The program offers a variety of useful features to create meaningful names. For instance, you can automatically rename files using metadata (e.g.
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Batch File Renamer
Rename multiple files according to a pattern you specify. Modify original file name by removing/copying its parts, replacing text, or changing letter case.
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Helps you rename a batch of files and folders with all kinds of customizable and flexible renaming rules.
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File Renamer
File Renamer is a bulk renaming tool on Mac to rename your thousands of files in few clicks with more than 40 possible renaming rules. Easy to use and powerful user interface with built in preview to see new names before you apply changes.
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Quick File Rename
Quick File Rename allows you to batch rename files, folders, tag mp3s, audio files, photos, images and more. Rename using a powerful rules engine to get names any way...
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Chrono Namer
Chrono Namer is a photo organizing tool. It rename images to time-formatted name. Beside photos it also handles audio and video files. Usually Cameras, cell phones...