everyme is the private social network. we believe most stories are meant to be shared with your closest friends and family, not with 500 random acquaintances. with everyme, you can share like you do in real life, in intimate circles.
a circle is a private news feed between you and a group of people. it's private and secure, so you no longer need to worry about who sees what. and because a circle is created from your address book, you don't need to convince everyone to sign up for yet another service in order to receive your stories, it just works.
• create a circle for your family, your coworkers, your best friends, your high school buddies, your significant other, and more.
• circles are completely private, enjoy peace of mind!
• not everyone has to be on everyme for it to be fun! your friends with iphones will love using the app, but anyone with a phone or email address will be able to reply to your stories via our beautiful emails and texts.
• change the cover photo in your circle to match a family portrait for your family circle or a picture of you and your best friends for your friends circle.