Avira Internet Security
Avira Internet Security Suite is a one-size-fits-all security solution for your online life. This is where security meets speed.
A Great time online with even better technology! Safer online begins with our proven Antivirus and Antispyware. Inside you find a number of unique anti-malware technologies. Foiling web browser attacks is a job for Exploit Blocker.
a great time online with even better technology!
safer online begins with our proven antivirus and antispyware. inside you find a number of unique antimalware technologies. foiling web browser attacks is a job for exploit blocker. vulnerability shield closes common weaknesses in the network. advanced memory scanner gives you extra protection from heavilyencrypted malware. scans for threats directly in the system‘s memory.
identity theft protectionsteer clear of websites stealing usernames or banking details with antiphishing. put a stop to private data copying to external devices with device control.
keep kids safe onlineshow them only the safe side of the internet. with parental control, block over 20 website categories or add your own.
enjoy your computer's full powersmall system footprint lets you stay connected without slowdowns. do away with distractions with gamer mode as you run programs in full screen.
install and forget or tweak awayenjoy top protection with default settings. set maximum scanning depth, time and size of scanned objects with advanced user settings.
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anti-spam protection firewall security-utilities antivirus anti-malware anti-spyware internet-security system-protection security-suite