Turn Off the Lights
With a single click on the lamp button, the page will fade to dark. And automatically focus on the video. By clicking on it again, the page will return to normal.
Enhancer for YouTube is a very lightweight extension that is highly customisable, easy to use, and that will greatly improve your YouTube experience! It allows you...
enhancer for youtube is a very lightweight extension that is highly customisable, easy to use, and that will greatly improve your youtube experience!
it allows you, among other things, to:
* control sound volume with the mouse wheel* remove ads from videos (automatically or ondemand)* remove annotations (automatically or ondemand)* disable autoplay* disable preloading* automatically play videos in 4k, hd, or any other preferred format (works for embedded videos*)* loop videos (in part or in whole)* automatically play videos using a better cinema mode* automatically enlarge the video player* execute your own actions using javascript
Customizable Firefox extension Google Chrome extension Opera extension Microsoft Edge extension Disable autoplay
Productivity Video Web Browsers
customizable firefox-extension chrome-extension browser-extension opera-extension microsoft-edge-extension block-youtube-ads block-video-ads disable-autoplay