Standard Notes
Love Notes. Love Encryption. Standard Notes is a safe place for your notes, thoughts, and life's work. It's simple. Standard Notes is the easiest notes app you'll ever use.
Encrypted Notepad is a very simple to use application providing state of the art industrial-strength encryption to users who want nothing more than to store sensitive...
encrypted notepad is a very simple to use application providing state of the art industrialstrength encryption to users who want nothing more than to store sensitive information in text documents. users can be completely at ease in the security provided by encrypted notes because it follows best practices in dealing with encryption algorithms and does not try to do anything that is not standard procedure. this is important because "being too clever" is one of the most common reasons for security failures in the application of cryptography.
text-editor encrypted-notes text-encryption aes cross-platform cryptography aes-128 java-applications