My Commander
My Commander (MyCO) is "the small - smarter - fastest file manager in the world", archiver and ISO creator for Windows 7. Small and smart, MyCO uses less of your computer's memory while it's running.
EmFTP is a lightweight, fast, easy-to-use FTP client for Windows. EmFTP works with EmEditor Text Editor. EmFTP is compatible with Windows 7. EmFTP Professional...
emftp is a lightweight, fast, easytouse ftp client for windows. emftp works with emeditor text editor. emftp is compatible with windows 7.
emftp professional supports sftp using ssh (secure shell). the traditional ftp sends passwords and file contents without encrypting, arising potential danger that your passwords and file contents can be hacked. sftp encrypts passwords and file contents so it is more secure.
Productivity Developer Tools File Management
file-transfer-protocol Discontinued sftp ssh