The Best 58 Elastic Email Alternatives

  • Postmark

    Postmark removes the headaches of delivering and parsing transactional email for webapps with minimal setup time and zero maintenance. Send API and SMTP interface.

    Commercial Web

  • 1and1Mail

    1and1Mail is a free email marketing software to send out mass email campaigns, manage email contacts, and design email newsletters for small and medium business.

    Freemium Windows

  • mailmark

    Send emails and know when they were opened. Keep detaile email logs to who they were sent and when. A memo system to help organizations notify thier members.

    Freemium Web

  • Flexmail Solution

    Effectively manage your contacts and segment them into different target groups. Design captivating and successful email messages, send email campaigns with the best...

    Commercial Web

  • SwiftERM

    Email Remarketing – totally automated solution Easy to install plugin for your cart, that delivers personal emails automatically. SwiftERM is the automated email...

    Commercial Web

  • STAR Desktop Mailings

    Secure mass mailing and e-mail marketing tool running directly on the desktop of your computer, using your own business' e-mail account (no monthly subscription...

    Freemium Mac OS X Windows

  • mailspice analytics

    An email analytics add-on for all email services that tracks more than just opening and click rates, providing you with deep insights into all your email and newsletter...

    Commercial Web

  • Mustache.Website

    Mustache.Website is a free service you can use to run your email campaigns, host your landing pages or send your transactional emails.

    Free Web

  • Cakemail

    Cakemail is the email marketing tool for small businesses. Choose your fonts and colours, and we’ll do the rest. Create professional templates you’ll love, in just a few...

    Commercial Web

  • is marketing & transactional email service providers. It provides 20,000 emails in $1. It is a cheapest service provider in market.

    Commercial Web

  • Email Marketing

    Email Marketing is for sending the business offers in a creative way by using the designing templates. Grab the attention of the audience by offering them your deals...

    Commercial Web

  • Heyloyalty

    Heyloyalty is the perfect email marketing software for the real e-commerce business. Heyloyalty has developed their platform, based on the needs of e-commerce businesses.

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux Shopify Zapier

  • Mailify

    An easy-to-use email marketing software for SME's and individuals as well. With 890+ templates and a full service solution, Mailfy simplifies the task to create a...


  • MailZoom

    Easy to use dashboard. See all your contacts, lists, and campaigns in one place. In-Depth email & click tracking. Easily see who opened your email and how often...


  • Mara

    Mara helps online retailers increase sales and conversion rate using it’s marketing automation cloud capabilities specifically built for ecommerce. Features include...

    Commercial Web

  • Sentopia

    At Sentopia, we strive to help you create effective campaigns, newsletters, and even integrate automation between your website or webstore and our platform to automate...

    Freemium Web