368 Like
Visual Studio Code
Code combines the streamlined UI of a modern editor with rich code assistance and navigation, and an integrated debugging experience – without the need for a full IDE.
Customizable Extensible by Plugins/Extensions Support for Javascript MarkDown support Lightweight Syntax Highlighting Mercurial support Version and Source control Dark theme Plugin support Autocompletion Bugs GIT support Code completion Intellisense Multiple cursors C# Scripting Embedded debugger Built in Terminal Git integration -
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Qt Creator
qt creator is a cross-platform c++, javascript and qml integrated development environment which is part of the sdk for the qt framework.
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Komodo IDE
Code smarter and faster with Komodo IDE, the cross-platform professional development environment for dynamic languages and open technologies.
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Pe (Programmer’s Editor)
Pe, short for Programmer’s Editor, is an open source text editor for BeOS. It is targeted towards source-code editing, and features syntax highlighting for a large...
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Thunderpad (formerly Textpad) is a simple, general-purpose and cross-platform text editor written in C++ using the Qt libraries. Thunderpad aims to be faster and more...