AutoUnpack is a freeware utility that can be used to automatically download, repair, and unpack all RAR-, 7z-, zip-, TS - archives, or splitted files (e.g. *.001). Which...
eBinderFM is a powerful utility that creates digital document binders. A single eBinder can store hundreds of documents. Every file within an eBinder can remain in its...
ebinderfm is a powerful utility that creates digital document binders. a single ebinder can store hundreds of documents. every file within an ebinder can remain in its original format or you can choose to create your ebinder as a bookmarked pdf. and files are listed inside the ebinder in an index in the order you specify when the ebinder is created.
no more zip filessubstitute .zip files with a more versatile format that can be read by anyone on any device. and unclutter emails by sending a single ebinder instead of multiple individual attachments.
custom sort ordercollect files from any location on your computer and arrange them within ebinderfm in a custom order that will be maintained on any device. now file sets can be shared in a consistent, presentable and organized manner.
any deviceebinders can be opened with adobe's free acrobat reader and are compatible with windows, mac os, ios, and android devices. which means they can be shared with virtually anyone.
preserve formatting and layoutebinderfm can incorporate almost any type of file into an ebinder and most importantly it maintains each individual file's original formatting and layout. no more cramming data into powerpoint slides.
security made easyebinderfm makes it easy to secure all the files in an ebinder with a single password utilizing 256bit aes encryption.
view files with full fidelityeach file within an ebinder can be viewed when the ebinder is open. files can also be opened separately with their native applications. so for example, an excel spreadsheet can be viewed within the ebinder, or opened in excel. in addition, tracked changes in word documents display normally and in excel spreadsheets you can scroll to any row or column or switch between a workbook's sheets.
open modify savefiles in an ebinder can easily be opened in their default applications where they can be modified and saved back to the ebinder with the new changes or saved as a new document outside of the ebinder.
password-protected document-management document-sharing email-management office-and-productivity digital-binder document-binder