Radio Tray
Radio Tray is an online radio streaming player that runs on a Linux system tray. Its goal is to have the minimum interface possible, making it very straightforward to use.
EarthMediaCenter® Radio - FREE software product which provides the Internet users with access to internet radio channels (about 65,000 stations).
earthmediacenter® radio free software product which provides the internet users with access to internet radio (online radio, web radio) channels.
its set of functions is optimal for the users` convenience.
• doesn`t require installation of software; • no additional hardware is required; • no additional software is required; • no additional setting is required; • you needn`t have administrator privilege to use it; • automatic updates of interface are provided; • automatic updates of internet radio stations database are provided; • highquality sound; • always on top mode is supported.
portable music-streaming real-time streaming internet-radio online-music online-radio podcast stream-music internet-station streaming-online online-streaming online-stream music-online web-streaming internet-music-station web-music online-station real-time-radio web-station music-station internet-music web-stream real-time-music