The Best 31 Dynalist Alternatives
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A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file.
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OmniOutliner is a start-to-finish writing app. Perfect for collecting information, outlining Big Ideas, adding structure to any sort of writing, and much more. From grocery lists to email drafts to long-form composition.
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UV Outliner
UV Outliner is a small and powerful single-pane outliner. It is intended for creating, organizing, and collecting information.
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Natara Bonsai
Natara Bonsai is a Palm OS and Windows Mobile outliner application with a Windows desktop client that also works as a full-featured standalone outliner and task manager.
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Cloud Outliner
Cross-platform app for Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Sync outlines between computers and devices with iCloud. Sync outlines with Evernote, Import and export...
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Writing Outliner
Writing Outliner is an outliner that's seamlessly integrated with MS Word. The most important concept of Writing Outliner is project-based writing.
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Deep Notes
Deep Notes is a simple hierarchical note pad. You can use it to outline ideas, make to-do lists, or whatever else might need jotting down in a list, hierarchical or not....