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DuckieTV is an application that takes care of TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized TV-Show calendar.
duckietv is an (web)application that helps you track and download your favorite tvshows.
it runs inside either as a standalone application, or as a google chrome or opera extension to provide automatic background updates and can even automatically search for a .torrent for any tvshow after it has aired.
if you know sick beard: it's like sickbeard, but with a proper calendar gui, and the autodownloading setup is just a oneclick setting.
duckietv can integrate with utorrent and bittorrent to take control of your torrent client and automatically start and stop downloads, launch utorrent/bittorrent's default configured player, open the download folder, etcetera.
there is experimental support for streaming torrents to your chromecast device via utorrent as well
Official Website
Google Chrome extension Peer To Peer Chromecast support Tv shows Automatic downloading
Productivity Games Video Web Browsers File Sharing
chrome-extension peer-to-peer chromecast-support episode-tracker tv-shows tv-streaming torrent-download automatic-downloading episode-downloader bittorrent-integration utorrent-plugin