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Dropboxifier helps you simplifying the process of adding folders to Dropbox and creating symbolic links.
dropboxifier helps you simplifying the process of adding folders to dropbox and creating symbolic links. dropboxifier was originally made to work with dropbox but will also work with any other online storage application that creates a virtual folder on your hard drive (skydrive, google drive, etc). so how does it work? well, dropboxifier simply fools applications into reading and writing directly from dropbox! saved profile data can be placed in dropbox, a symbolic link put in its place (which is kind of like a shortcut at the file system level), and applications won't even notice they will read and write directly to your dropbox folder.doing this on one pc is great since dropbox itself is a fantastic online storage utility (you can restore files to previous versions or even undelete something). the best part is that dropboxifier allows you to do this on more than one pc so that suddenly all your machines are reading and writing to the same data! this means that multiple pcs can be using the same browser data, saved games, you name it! it's all automatic. gone are the days of dragging around usb drives and manually replacing files and trying to remember which computer has the latest version of your data.in dropboxifier, each entry is referred to as a "link" short for symbolic links. dropboxifier handles linking multiple pcs easily: simply add a link on one pc, then go to your other pc and resolve the link. just follow the onscreen instructions. unresolved links appear as red in the list, while resolved links are green.dropboxifier has no dependencies, so you can even put the single dropoxifier executable into your dropbox for some brainbusting dropbox action!
File sync Cloud sync Symbolic links
Productivity Utilities Web Browsers File Sharing Backup and Sync
file-synchronization folder-sync online-backup synchronization cloud-sync dropbox symbolic-links junction directory-junction