JDownloader simplifies and improves the process of downloading files from "free" file hosting sites like Rapidshare or Megaupload.
Manage your downloads quikly. Fast, Convenient, and Efficient tool for you. Media Detection and Download:Video, audio, images, etc.
Manage your downloads quickly. Fast, Convenient, and Efficient tool for you!Media Resources Detection and Download: Video (mp4, avi, asf, mpg, etc.), audio (mp3, wav, etc.), images, etc.
Multiple languages Google Chrome extension
Productivity Developer Tools Social File Management
chrome-extension download-manager vimeo-downloader video-downloader
JDownloader simplifies and improves the process of downloading files from "free" file hosting sites like Rapidshare or Megaupload.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
FDM accelerates downloads by splitting files into sections and then downloading them simultaneously.
Free Mac OS X Windows
Xtreme Download Manager is a powerful tool to increase download speed up-to 500%, save videos from video sharing sites and integration with ANY browser.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux BSD Mac