TuneIn Radio
With TuneIn Radio Mobile, your mobile device becomes the radio. Take your stations and programs with you wherever you go. Listen to Pearl Jam on KROQ while working out; listen to This American Life on NPR while on a road trip.
Download and listen to your favorite podcasts directly from your iOS device without the need to sync with iTunes.
download and listen to your favorite podcasts directly from your ios device without the need to sync with itunes.
features: search, subscribe to and download audio and video podcasts of any size manually subscribe to podcasts via url play audio in the background (multitasking) control audio with bluetooth or other headphone remote controls create and edit "smart" playlists view podcast details and episode show notes autoupdate podcasts download podcasts automatically (including resuming downloads) download podcasts in the background (multitasking) browse and download older podcast episodes settings for autodownload and episode retention (globally and perpodcast) view embedded images in podcast episodes backup and import podcast feeds via ompl support for passwordprotected feeds
Official Website
Import feeds from OPML Chromecast support
Productivity Audio and Music Books News
opml-import chromecast-support podcast podcasting podcast-player podcast-catcher airplay-support