Lineage OS
A free and open-source operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform.
dotOS is an Android Rom which focuses on performance and stability. Our aim is to enable a user to extract as much juice as possible and get most out of his/her device...
dotos is an android rom which focuses on performance and stability. our aim is to enable a user to extract as much juice as possible and get most out of his/her device and to keep up with time itselfinitially started by mohan cm and later joined by ganesh varma, sam grande, kuber sharma, iacob ionut and hari ambadi.#droidontime
minimal :we managed to keep the os as light as possible without sacrificing any feature making it the lightest rom ever.
efficient :beside from being light it has got all the efficient performance patches that gives you a lag free experience.
powerful :the rom being both powerful and minimal stays secure with up to date security patches.
attractive visual ui to spice up your phone usage. hand crafted wallpapers and icons.
design that stands outcustomisations made to keep your device ahead of time
beautifully custom tailored uifresh designs
dev team:
sayan biswascontributordesignermaintainer
kuber sharmacontributormaintaineranalyst
hari ambadicontributordesignercore gfx
mohan cmfounderlead devcontributor
ganesh varmalead devcontributormaintainer
iacob ionutcontributordesignermaintainer
rom android-rom