Kana Reminder
Kana Reminder is a program which can be used to set a reminder to be triggered at a specified time. It can also be used to run another program at a specified time. ...
Simple GTD application to manage your tasks and to-dos. Syncs with web server. Complete with the usual Inbox, Today, Next, Tomorrow, Scheduled and Someday "buckets" as most GTD programs have.
Simple GTD application to manage your tasks and todos. Syncs with web server. Complete with the usual Inbox, Today, Next, Tomorrow, Scheduled and Someday "buckets" as most GTD programs have. You can also create Projects for tasks with multiple steps.
Productivity Business and Commerce
task-manager todo-manager getting-things-done productivity-tool
Kana Reminder is a program which can be used to set a reminder to be triggered at a specified time. It can also be used to run another program at a specified time. ...
Free Windows
Your GTD system, up and running from the very first minute Get your life under control with the habits of stress-free productivity. .
Commercial Android iPhone Android Tablet Web
The Now Organizer is a Powerful yet Very Simple Personal Task Manager that Empowers You to Keep Starting effectively driving you and your tasks to completion. TNO allows...
Freemium Windows
All-in-one organizer - integrates all your PIM needs in the well-organized interface: to-do list management, time planning, contacts, reminders, recurring options and...
Free Windows
Desktop-Reminder is a freeware task planner for Windows to manage your tasks and other to-dos’ in an easy way. For a task with time of day defined a corresponding alarm...
Freemium Windows
With Black Hole Organizer you can store all of your notes and documents in one convenient place AND you can get them back out again. With Black Hole Organizers text...
Commercial Windows
Too much to do? Too many lists for too many business and personal projects? Sort them once and for all online at ccToDo.com. ccToDo is the easy, cloud-based to-do list...
Free Personal Windows
Todolicious is a beautiful and simple task list for your Mac that helps you actually finish your tasks. Todolicious does not ask you to categorize or organize your To...
Commercial Mac OS X
EfficientPIM is a full-featured personal organizer software program that can help you organize and plan your business and private life. (Free Edition and Portable...
Freemium Windows