My Commander
My Commander (MyCO) is "the small - smarter - fastest file manager in the world", archiver and ISO creator for Windows 7. Small and smart, MyCO uses less of your computer's memory while it's running.
Directory Report is a file manager designed to scan large hard drives to find duplicate files, rename files, locate large files and folder, print folder content and more. It provides a simple interface that will appeal to technical users.
directory report is a file manager designed to scan large hard drives to find duplicate files, rename files, locate large files and folder, print folder content and more. it provides a simple interface that will appeal to technical users. other features include display filters, mp3 support (for renaming based on id tags), customizable print options, batch deleting of duplicates and directory comparison. you can also change file dates and owner information for one or multiple files, and view directory sizes from within the file explorer.
Productivity Games Utilities File Management
folder-size duplicate-files file-manager directory-printer change-accessed-date change-created-date change-owner change-modified-date