A completely free file sharing service, upload files up to 50GB without limits, securely & anonymously. Files are encrypted & stored securely in the cloud, for 30 days for free, and permanently for pro users. .
Large file delivery and service for digital media producers and creatives. File receiving, media previews, client feedback and tracking. .
share your digital media with clients quickly, reliably and beautifully.
digital pigeon is a large file delivery service for digital media producers, creative studios and advertising & marketing agencies.
you don't have time for failed or slow downloads. we partner with amazon web services, one of world’s biggest, most trusted cloud service providers to make sure your work is delivered quickly and securely.
our technology means you'll never compete for bandwidth again when uploading files and your clients won't, when downloading your work.
with digital pigeon, you can:
present your work professionally (using your own branding), give clients the ability to preview your work online without the need to download get feedback from clients quickly and easily, speeding up wip track when files have been accessed, previewed and downloaded.
try us out today with a 14 day free trial.
Official Website
Real time collaboration Image Preview Embeddable Send Big files
Productivity Video File Sharing
file-sharing real-time-collaboration preview-images preview-video upload-files video-sharing file-transfer secure-file-transfer embeddable file-deliver file-delivery file-delivery-service file-delivery-services file-transfer-service file-transfer-services file-transferring file-transferring-service file-transferring-services media-management receive-files send-large-files share-audio