FileLocator Lite enables you to locate files on your pc. It performs a thorough and quick search for any file you want to find. It is a free reduced functionality version of FileLocator Pro.
Wherever you have files DeskRule can locate them. Search your hard disk, but also in mobile phones and cameras, zipfolders, FTP, OneDrive and all the other virtual shell folders.
if your search engine can only locate filenames, you are missing out on the wealth of 300 windows file properties. deskrule is a fast and reliable desktop search engine handling all document attributes, from simple name and contents to photo geolocation tags.
find top rated pictures find audio tracks by artist locate pdf/office documents by tags, author or contained keywords find photos shot in australia (gps) find photos of your kids (people) find dlls installed by microsoft (company) ... and regular search by name/content if you wish!
File search Support for regular expressions Search in files
find-files file-search regular-expression search-in-files