Motadata - Log Management Tool with Correlation
Motadata is easy to use log management tool with correlation capability. It collects and process almost any kind of log data format with agentless and agent-based...
Deskman helps you block applications, filter websites and protect Windows computers from tampering.
deskman is amazingly easy to use, and gets the job done. apply restrictions and lock down workstations consistently. deskman helps you block applications, filter websites and protect workstations from tampering.
hide the start menu, disable ctrlaltdel, disable the control panel, block windows explorer, protect desktop icons, disable usb drives...
stop unwanted applications. allow only a list of executables or folders. block software installation.
block websites, with your exceptions. works with firefox, chrome, edge and internet explorer.
synchronize restrictions over your network automatically. set up all workstations from any point, without breaking a sweat.
lock down desktops the way you want. combine restrictions. build a limited start menu.
protect critical areas, disable system keys, stop software installation and limit website access. deskman is very easy to use. set up single, or multiple, systems fast. configure them remotely.
deskman is not in the cloud — the software is installed and managed by the user. you are the boss.
Productivity Social Education and Reference
web-based block-websites access-control window-manager enterprise-software block-facebook web-filtering windows-10 security-utilities kiosk-browser lockdown system-security security-suite it-software it-security