Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
DeleD is a 3D modeler and level-editor combined into one. It focuses at game development and is specifically designed to create static objects/worlds.
deled is a 3d modeler and leveleditor combined into one. it focuses at game development and is specifically designed to create static objects/worlds. other areas in which you can put deled to good use are, for example, educational services, webdesign, prototyping and image creation.
deled focusses on five areas to provide in your daily modeling needs. these are:
* geometry editing: deled has lots of tools to modify 3d objects, including smoothing and boolean operators * animation: deled provides a basic animation system allowing you to create animated objects in notime * uv mapping: deled has a buildin uv editor, enabling you to skin your objects in detail * lightmapping: deled lights up your world with advanced lightmapping functions * raytracing: deled can create stunning pictures with its buildin raytracer
Productivity Developer Tools Games Phots and Graphics
games modeling modeler level level-editor