Spanish to English
Instant Spanish to English translation. Thousands words and phrases available! Also features daily grammar and vocabulary lessons!.
DeepL Translator is a machine translator that currently supports 42 language combinations.
deepl translator is a machine translator that currently supports 42 language combinations between english, german, french, spanish, italian, polish, and dutch.
facts and figures
in blind tests pitting deepl translator against the competition, translators prefer our results by a factor of 3:1.
to train our neural translation networks, we have built a supercomputer in iceland, capable of performing more than 5 100 000 000 000 000 floating point operations per second. this would rank 23rd in the current list of the world’s top 500 supercomputers.
with the computing power to translate 1 000 000 words in under a second; deepl translator can help millions of people all over the world every day.
the performance of a neural network depends on the quality of the material it trains on. deepl's neural networks train on billions of highquality translated sentences provided by the search engine linguee. this gives deepl an unassailable advantage.
Productivity Games Education and Reference
lossless-quality translators