Windows 10
Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system released by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems To encourage its adoption, Microsoft announced that during its first year of availability, Windows 10 would...
Debian is a free distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system. It is distributed with access to repositories containing thousands of software packages ready for installation and use.
Debian is a free distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system. It is distributed with access to repositories containing thousands of software packages ready for installation and use. Debian is known for strict adherence to the Unix and free software philosophies as well as using collaborative software development and testing processes. Debian can be used as a desktop as well as server operating system.
Customizable UI customization Package Control Rolling release Package Manager Based on Debian
Productivity Developer Tools Utilities
customizable ui-customization linux-operating-systems operating-system rolling-release unix gnu package-manger debian-based gnu-linux