Omni Notes
Note taking open-source application aimed to have both a simple interface but keeping smart behavior.
Daybreak is a to-do app that reduces your planning time by figuring out when you like to be reminded.
a simple, beautiful reminder & todo list app that integrates with google calendar and syncs to the cloud.
daybreak is unique in that it reduces your planning time by figuring out when you like to be reminded. it does this with a machine learning algorithm behind the scenes. daybreak will automatically suggest times for you and the more you use it, the more accurate it gets!
key features:
learns your schedule algorithms find patterns to suggest times to remind you.natural language processing daybreak recognizes certain keywords such as 'afternoon', 'evening', 'lunch', etc. to automatically suggest times to remind calendar add reminders from daybreak right into your calendar. daybreak also uses information from your calendar to help select optimal reminder times.statistics gain insights into your behavior through beautiful data syncing never lose your reminders & todo's again.themes over 10 different themes allow you to customize daybreak and make it personal!intuitive interface daybreak's gesturebased interface makes setting reminders or calendar events quick and simple.repeating reminders schedule certain reminders to repeat at the same time every day, each week, each month, etc.
Productivity Education and Reference
reminders task-management todo-manager
Note taking open-source application aimed to have both a simple interface but keeping smart behavior.
Free Open Source Android
Awesome Note is an innovative note taking application and to-do manager that allows you to combine notes with to-do flexibility.
Commercial iPhone iPad
Online tool for creating and sharing notes using widgets: image, text, header, card. All notes are private, but you can share note with your friends, clients, customers using special link.
Freemium Web
NimbleNotes is an online note taking and study platform, designed to help students learn more efficiently.
Freemium Web
Productivity app. Save information like a sticky notes. You can create notes with images, videos or whatever you want. Save pages to read later or capture any web content with the chrome or firefox extension.
Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Chrome Firefox
Note space is a program in which to keep your written thoughts This space has these characteristics: It presents a very visual organization on screen; notes are displayed as arrays of cards It's safe and secure; it runs on your...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Self-Hosted
Agenda Mahala is a great website to Learn English. On Agenda Mahala we have great English Courses, and both Level 1 and Level 2 are completely free. You also get an online notebook to keep the lesson appointments.
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