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Datadog is a monitoring service for IT, Dev & Ops teams who write and run applications at scale, and want to turn the massive amounts of data produced by their apps, tools and services into a unified view of IT infrastructure.
datadog is a monitoring service for it, dev & ops teams who write and run applications at scale, and want to turn the massive amounts of data produced by their apps, tools and services into a unified view of it infrastructure. datadog's capabilities are provided on a saasbased data analytics platform that enables multiple teams to work collaboratively on infrastructure issues.
offering 120+ turnkey integrations and a robust api, datadog bridges together metrics & events from every component in the environment to provide teams with graphing, correlation and data analytics. the product enables a single view across onpremise and cloud deployments. this holistic view of an enterprise’s it is becoming more critical with the ever increasing amount of data and devices within organizations
Network Monitoring APM monitoring Error logging Performance Monitoring Web log analysis
Productivity Developer Tools Utilities Networking and Admin System and Hardware
software-as-a-service cloud-computing network-monitoring monitoring cloud-monitoring devops aws apm apm-monitoring error-logging performance-monitoring server-monitoring saas-monitoring network-administration web-log-analyzer aws-monitoring chef-monitoring