Social Frame
Digital photo frame + Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, RSS). Syncs Facebook and Twitter photos. Maximize your tablet usage! You can now use your tablet when you are not using your tablet.
Deliver top stories from your Twitter/Facebook/RSS feeds straight to Pocket or Readability. Article links will be fetched periodically from RSS and your Twitter and Facebook home feeds.
deliver top stories from your twitter/facebook/rss feeds straight to pocket or readability.
article links will be fetched periodically from rss and your twitter and facebook home feeds.
when your unread article count on readability or pocket falls below a specified threshold, a certain number of links will be selected using their popularity, such as number of retweets or bit.ly statistics and delivered straight to your pocket or readability account.
also, you can limit a total number of links sent to you per day.
Productivity Social Books News
rss social-news twitter facebook news news-aggregator feed-reader readability reading news-feed pocket-integration pocket news-recommendation