AllBikesNow is the ideal application for users of self-service bicycle systems operated by JCDecaux, number one worldwide for self-service bicycle hire. AllBikesNow...
Cyclemeter is the most advanced application for cyclists ever designed for a mobile device.
cyclemeter is the most advanced application for cyclists ever designed for a mobile device. built from the ground up for iphone, ipad, and icloud, it makes your iphone a powerful fitness computer — with maps, graphs, splits, intervals, laps, announcements, zones, training plans and more.
iphone powered• supports cycling, running, walking and many other activities. • no website login required. • analyze your workouts on your ipad, updated with your latest data using icloud. • share your workouts online with friends, family, or coaches.
track• record everything about your workouts — years of workouts only take up the space of a few songs. • start and stop with your earphone remote. • exclude stopped time with automatic stop detection. • record heart rate, bike speed, bike cadence, and bike power with sensors (purchased separately).
visualize• swipe across the stopwatch to see pages of stats, maps, and graphs completely configurable. • view your workouts on a calendar, and organized by routes and activities. • summarize your statistics by day, week, month, year, and overall. • analyze your split, interval, and zone performance.
hear• select from more than 120 configurable announcements including distance, time, speed, elevation, and heart rate. • hear stats automatically at time or distance intervals, or ondemand with your earphone remote. • listen to comments from friends and followers on twitter, facebook, and dailymile.• choose from a variety of high quality voice options.
race • compete against your previous workouts along a route, or import and compete against other people's workouts. • see your virtual competition on a map and in graphs. • hear announcements on how far you are ahead of or behind your competition.
plan • includes 5k, 10, half, and marathon running plans. • design your own training plans.• synchronize your plan with your iphone calendar and your online calendars.
train• keep on track with extremely configurable interval training, zones, and targets. • set up repeating intervals, pyramid intervals, or tempo workouts. • hear announcements that keep you in the zone. • analyze your split, interval, and zone performance. • includes the most advanced bike power meter support available on any application or device.
share• use email, facebook, twitter, and dailymile to share your workouts online, automatically updated every few minutes. • automatically keep family and friends notified of your location and progress. • hear replies from family, coaches, and friends spoken using texttospeech technology. • share your workout calendar with your friends and coaches.
import/export• import a route or virtual competitor by simply tapping on a gpx, tcx or kml link or file in mail or safari. • export detailed csv, gpx, tcx or kml files for use in maps, graphs, and social fitness sites.
for cycling, running, walking, skiing, skating, and more• cyclemeter, runmeter, walkmeter, and 5k runmeter are built from the same core foundation, but come preconfigured for cycling, running, walking, or training. • each app supports all features, activities, and plans.
from the press• obsessively complete... a killer app — wired• records a wealth of data — macworld• clean, easytouse — new york times• amazingly rich with features pc magazine
does not support ipod touch, which lacks gps capabilities. continued use of gps running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
Productivity Games Travel and Location Sport and Health
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