Delineato Pro
Delineato - the italian word for "outline". Designed using the WYSIWYN paradigm - What You See Is What You Need - this carefully crafted application is...
Cubetto gives you the opportunity to model in modeling languages from a vast set of selections. You can choose between BPMN, Event-driven Process Chains (EPC) to...
Cubetto gives you the opportunity to model in modeling languages from a vast set of selections. You can choose between BPMN, Eventdriven Process Chains (EPC) to Flowcharts. Even a generic modeling language for your own needs is available. The app features a full autolayout and the specially designed ProcessFlowWizard, which guides you step by step through the modeling process. The app has an English and German interface.
flowchart business-process-modelling business-process bpmn process-modeling event-driven-process-chain