east-tec SafeBit
east-tec SafeBit is the perfect electronic vault you need for your privacy. It features on-the-fly AES encryption, by creating virtual encrypted disk drives, where you...
Cryptonite brings EncFS and TrueCrypt to Android. You can browse, export and open EncFS-encrypted directories and files on your Dropbox and on your phone. On rooted phones that support FUSE (e.g.
Cryptonite brings EncFS and TrueCrypt to Android. You can browse, export and open EncFSencrypted directories and files on your Dropbox and on your phone. On rooted phones that support FUSE (e.g. CyanogenMod) you can also mount EncFS and TrueCrypt volumes. TrueCrypt is only available as a commandline version at this time.
dropbox-integration file-encryption truecrypt encfs